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Where the Future Is Read and Written

There is a huge need for more storage.

As data continues to explode in the wake of AI productization, enterprise data centers will need to find sustainable ways to scale against limited space, power, and budget. That’s where Mozaic 3+™ comes in.

Mozaic 3+ is a hard drive platform that incorporates Seagate’s unique implementation of HAMR to deliver mass-capacity storage at unprecedented areal densities of 3TB per disk and beyond.

But it’s more than that.

Superlattice Platinum-Alloy Media

A storage layer with higher magnetic coercivity than that found in conventional drives.

Plasmonic Writer

Heats and writes the media to over 800º F and cools it back down in less than two nanoseconds.

Gen 7 Spintronic Reader

Ensures that data can be read accurately after write, and read swiftly at ultra-high areal densities.

12nm Integrated Controller

Built for data mobility and data integrity, the controller meets increasing data demands.


Superlattice Platinum-Alloy Media

A storage layer with higher magnetic coercivity than that found in conventional drives.

Plasmonic Writer

Heats and writes the media to over 800º F and cools it back down in less than two nanoseconds.

Gen 7 Spintronic Reader

Ensures that data can be read accurately after write, and read swiftly at ultra-high areal densities.

12nm Integrated Controller

Built for data mobility and data integrity, the controller meets increasing data demands.

Mozaic is a composite of the most complex nanoscale recording technologies and material science breakthroughs on the planet.

Superlattice Platinum-Alloy Media
To combat magnetic instability, we designed a superlattice structure to enable high-fidelity data inscription.
Plasmonic Writer
Plasmonic Writer
Discover how we use a precision-engineered laser to enable HAMR in a fraction of a second.
Gen 7 Spintronic Reader
We built the industry's smallest, most sensitive magnetic field sensor to facilitate higher data densities than ever before.
12nm Integrated Controller
12nm Integrated Controller
This highly tailored servo-processor chip is the operational heart of Mozaic-enabled hard drives.

Today, Mozaic powers Seagate’s flagship Exos® 30TB+ product family, with industry-leading capacity points of 30TB and beyond.

It's a labor of research and development, grit and determination, investment and belief.

Foreseeing a data deluge on the horizon, our team broke through the barriers of possibility. Harnessing the potential of heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) for substantial areal density gains, we dedicated two decades to perfecting the process, culminating in the groundbreaking Mozaic 3+ platform.

A masterpiece of heat and light and bits.

Fueled by HAMR, the Mozaic platform transforms data bits, packing them tighter while keeping things magnetically and thermally steady. Meaning, you can store far more data on each disk while enjoying performance and reliability that’s rock-solid as ever.

It’s how data is stored to media at density levels that were previously inconceivable.

All while using the same material resources, and the same trusty 3.5-inch form factor.

  • Mozaic-integrated hard drives are 95% the same as Seagate’s other long-trusted HDDs—just elevated to the cutting edge.
  • Uses a single reader and quantum antenna for writing.
  • A unique magnetic layer handles thermal conditions.
  • Scaled for efficient areal density by using a special grain media formula and size.
  • Head health management extends the lifetime utility.
  • Completely compatible with existing systems.

It’s an answer to the call from the ever-expanding cloud ecosystem.

And the countless exabytes it will inevitably generate.

The world's largest data centers choose mass-capacity hard drives to store 90% of their data.1

It’s how data center operators will be able to easily scale their infrastructure to store more exabytes in the same space.

Amounting to massive TCO savings.

Mozaic-integrated hard drives enable data centers to:

  • Double their storage capacity without increasing their footprint.2
  • Lower power consumption cost per terabyte by 45%.2
  • Lower per-terabyte acquisition cost.  

Mozaic 3+ also places less demand on Earth’s natural resources.

And enables data centers to deliver on sustainability goals.

  • 45% less watt per TB2
  • Lower weight per TB2
  • 55% less embodied carbon per TB3

It’s an inflection point in the storage industry.

Seagate’s Mozaic 3+ is more than a technological advance—it’s a promise to sustain the inexorable growth of the digital universe.

It’s a defiant proclamation to the world that hard drives are here to stay.

And we’re just getting started.

  1. IDC Storagesphere. 2024 vs. 2025 install base, IDC Datasphere, 2024 vs. 2025 Incremental New Data Generated.

  2. 16TB to 30TB capacity upgrade (or 1.78TB/Disk to 3TB/Disk) comparing Exos X16 to Exos 30TB Mozaic drive, max operating power, and weight.

  3. 30TB Mozaic 3+ drive compared to a 16TB conventional PMR drive. Embodied carbon includes emissions generated during raw material extraction, product manufacturing/assembly, and all transportation of materials from extraction through manufacturing and from manufacturing to customers.